So we have started East Texas University, and I am probably going to post my ETU stuff up here on the blog, for those interested. With this campaign, I went the route of having the group "cast" their characters with actors and such.
I'll try to keep up with at least rudimentary actual plays as well.
SO...let's meet the cast of ETU: Freshman Year!
Russ "Bad Moon" Rison, Pinebox Texas' Favorite Son!

Russ "Bad Moon" Rison (three time State Champion Quarterback) had his season - and dreams of being a Texas Longhorn - ended when he tore up his knee his Senior year. His cannon arm and football mind, combined with an intense rehab schedule, left him in prime position for a scholarship from the ETU Ravens, especially when his old Wide Receiver "Racin'" Mason Holmes transferred from Texas University after being cut from the Longhorns for disciplinary reasons.
"Bad Moon" and "Racin'" Mason are dead set on leading ETU to its best football years ever...even if players keep mysteriously disappearing.
Major: Agriculture (But really football)
Extracurricular Activity: Athlete
Agility: d4
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d8
Strength: d8
Vigor: d6
Cha: 0 Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 Academics: 0
Local Favorite
Party Animal
Trouble Magnet
Minor Phobia (Woods)
Knowledge (Agriculture) d6
Fighting d6
Tracking d6
Boating d4
Driving d4
Shooting d4
Throwing d6
Knowledge (Football) d6
Notice d4
Used Pick with slick tires (-1 to Driving)
Becka Nicole Lane, Just a Girl, Trying to Make Her Way in the World

Becka came to ETU mostly because it was affordable. Here for her teaching degree, she gets pulled along into wacky adventures by her roommate Brandi, who is a Pinebox native and Bad Moon's biggest fan. Becka and Brandi are a liiiittle on the scatterbrained side, though Becka takes life and college a little more serious than Brandi does. Becka hasn't talked much about her life before ETU, but her sweet appearance seems to hide a harder edge.
Major: Education
Extracurricular Activity: Tutoring
Agility: d8
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d6
Strength: d4
Vigor: d8
Cha: 0 Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 Academics: -2
Fast Healer
Major Phobia (Bugs)
Annoying Roommate (Brandi)
Knowledge (Education) d4
Fighting d6
Shooting d6
Driving d6
Healing d4
Notice d6
Lockpicking d6
Streetwise d4
Persuasion d4
Used Midsized Car with an engine that slips (-10 to top speed)
Jonathan T. Wolfwood, aka Europe, The Vampire of Pennsylvania

Jonathan T. Wolfwood, Anthropology Major and son of the East Coast Wolfwoods, has come to ETU to get out from under the thumb of his overprotective parents (yeah, right). While he is genuinely curious about the mysteries of the world, he is quick to rationalize anything out of the ordinary, even when the supernatural is staring him in the face. "Racin'" Mason and "Bad Moon" Rison are convinced he's a homosexual European vampire, but they don't care, as long as he can kick a football (which he can't, and has no interest in doing).
Major: Anthropology
Extracurricular Activity: Part-Time Job (Teacher's Aide)
Agility: d6
Smarts: d8
Spirit: d6
Strength: d4
Vigor: d6
Cha: +2 Pace: 6 Parry: 2 Toughness: 5 Academics: +2
Test Taker
Doubting Thomas
Overprotective Parents
Knowledge (Anthropology) d6
Healing d4
Investigation d6
Notice d6
Repair d4
Driving d4
Shooting d6
Swimming d4
Taunt d6
New Pick-Up Truck
With Special Guest Stars (aka NPCs)...
"Racin'" Mason Holmes

Mason Holmes could have been a huge college star if he had kept his head on straight, but his freshman year at Texas University ended with him kicked off the football team for disciplinary issues, and him transferring to ETU, where his former High School Quarterback "Bad Moon" Rison was about to start school. Mason...isn't the brightest tool in the shed, laser focused on football above all else, and his views towards women are a bit...suspect...but he is loyal to a fault.
Major: Undeclared (But really football)
Agility: d10
Smarts: d4
Spirit: d6
Strength: d6
Vigor: d6
Cha: +4 Pace: 8 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
Very Attractive
Major Phobia (Fire)
Climbing d6
Driving d6
Fighting d6
Notice d4
Intimidation d6
Persuasion d6
Brandi Jo Miller, Becka's Roommate and Bad Moon's Girlfriend (Maybe)

Major: Criminal Justice
Agility: d6
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d6
Strength: d4
Vigor: d6
Cha: +2 Pace: 6 Parry: 2 Toughness: 5
Fraidy Cat
Driving d6
Knowledge (Criminal Justice) d4
Notice d6
Persuasion d6
Taunt d6
And there's the main cast! Stats actually reflect two adventures down (which I'll try to get recapped soon).
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