
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Savage Worlds Characters Are All The Same: Big Damn Heroes

Yeah, so after reading Suzerain, I totally want to make these guys "wake up" as Heroic Rank Suzerain characters. I'm NOT...though I am stealing a Suzerain Edge (stripping off the Pulse function of it) and giving it to a PC this rank, because it's cool.

The Cast is now at Heroic Rank...the last rank under the regular character rules. Then they hit Legendary and advancement is handled a bit different. Once I do a few advances in Legendary, I'm putting these guys to rest and I'm starting a new series with superheroes...not so much to see if they turn out alike, but to see just how well they scale into the upper ranks.


1st: Giant Killer - He's Small already...may as well take bonus damage against the big guys.
2nd: Smarts d10 - Mostly for the benefit that he gains from Smarts Tricks.
3rd: Improved Level Headed - He now acts on the better of three cards, which must be a 5 or Greater.
4th: Fencer - From Shaintar. This gives him +1 to Parry while unencumbered and +1 to offset Called Shots, all while using the rapier.


Agility d10
Smarts d10
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Fighting d10
Guts d6
Intimidation d6
Investigation d6
Notice d6
Taunt d8
Throwing d6

Charisma: 0
Pace: 6"
Parry: 7
Toughness: 4

Small (-1 Toughness)
Bad Luck (1 less bennie per session)

Acrobat (+2 to nimbleness based Agility rolls, +1 to Parry)
Block (+1 to Parry)
  Improved Block (+2 to Parry)
Danger Sense (Free Notice roll at -2 to avoid attack)
Dodge (-1 to avoid being hit with ranged attacks)
  Improved Dodge (-2 to avoid being hit with ranged attacks)
Fencer (+1 to Parry while unecumbered, +1 to offset Called Shots)
First Strike (free attack when opponent gets into range)
Giant Killer (+1d6 when attacking a foe three sizes larger than him.)
Level Headed (Acts on the better of two cards)
  Improved Level Headed (Acts on the better of three cards)
Quick (redraw an initiatve card less than 5)
Strong Willed (+2 to Taunt/Intimidate)

Rapier (+1 Parry, for a 12), Damage d6+d4, Buckler Shield (+1 Parry, for a 13), Throwing Knife Damage d6+d4


1st: Improved Sweep (Removes Sweep penalty)
2nd: Spirit d6. This is gonna help with that whole "becoming unShaken" thing.
3rd: Nerves of Steel. Ignores a level of Wound penalties.
4th: Frenzy. One extra attack at -2.

Agility d6
Smarts d4
Spirit d6
Strength d12
Vigor d12

Climbing d4
Fighting d10
Guts d8
Intimidate d8
Survival d4
Tracking d4

Charisma: -4
Pace: 8"
Parry: 7
Toughness: 9


Adaptable: Barbaric Blood (spend a benny to trigger Berserk)
Berserk (Smarts roll upon being wounded, or go Berkserk, +2 Fighting/Strength rolls, -2 Parry, +2 Toughness, rolls of 1 hit random adjacent target)
Brawny (+1 Toughness)
Charge (ignore Running penalty when making a Fighting attack)
Combat Reflexes (+2 to become unShaken)
Fleet-Footed (Pace +2, d10 Running die)
Frenzy (1 extra attack at -2)
Might Blow (double damage on a Joker)
Nerves of Steel (ignores 1 level of wound penalties)
Sweep (attack all adjacent foes at -2)
  Improved Sweep (removes the Sweep penalty)

Great Axe (Armor Piercing 1, Parry -1 for 6), Damage d12+d10, Chain Hauberk (Armor +2, for Toughness 11)


1st: Woodsman. +2 to Stealth, Tracking and Survival in the Wilderness.
2nd: Combat Archer. From Shaintar. SNIPER can now fire his bow in melee combat as well as use the bow itself as a club, doing Str+1d4 damage.
3rd: Improved Trademark Weapon. +2 to Fighting and Shooting with his bow.
4th: Shooting d12.

Agility d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Climbing d4
Fighting d8
Notice d6
Riding d4
Shooting d12
Stealth d8
Survival d8
Throwing d6
Tracking d8

Charisma: 0
Pace: 6
Parry: 6
Toughness: 5


Archer (Called Shot, Range and Cover Penalties are reduced by 1)
Combat Archer (Bow can be used at melee range and as a club, doing Str+d4)
Dark Fighting (Halves penalties for Shooting in the dark)
Dead Shot (Double damage on ranged attacks when a Joker is drawn)
Double Shot (Fire two arrows at 1 target with -2 penalty)
Marksman (Free Aim action as long as he doesn't move)
Steady Hands (removes unstable platform penalties)
Trademark Weapon (longbow, +1 to Shooting rolls)
  Improved Trademark Weapon (longbow, +2 to Shooting rolls)
Woodsman (+2 to Stealth, Survival and Tracking rolls in Wilderness)

Longbow 2d6 damage, Leather armor (+1 for Toughness 6)


1st: Streetwise and Investigation d8.
2nd: Investigator. +2 to Investigation and Streetwise.
3rd: Power Points.
4th: Smarts d10.

Agility d8
Smarts d10
Spirit d8
Strength d4
Vigor d6

Charisma: +2
Pace: 4
Parry: 4
Toughness: 5
Power Points: 30

Gambling d6
Guts d6
Investigation d8
Knowledge (Arcana) d8
Lockpicking d6
Notice d4
Persuasion d6
Shooting: d4
Spellcasting d8
Streetwise d8

Bad Eyes

Arcane Background: (Magic)
Investigator (+2 to Investigation and Streetwise)
Power Points (+5 Power Points) (x4)
Wizard (use 1 less Power Point per raise on Spellcasting roll)

Boost/Lower Trait
Detect/Conceal Arcana

Crossbow, nice clothes (fraying around the edges), cane.


1st: Majesty. From Noir Knights, minus the Pulse version. This makes it harder for Extras to become unShaken in his presence.
2nd: Smarts d10.
3rd: Knowledge (Battle) d10 and Fighting d8.
4th: Hard to Kill. Ignore Wound penalties for rolls on KO and Injury Tables.

Agility d6
Smarts d10
Spirit d10
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Charisma: +4
Pace: 6
Parry: 6
Toughness: 5

Fighting d8
Guts d8
Intimidation d10
Knowledge (Battle) d10
Persuasion d10
Streetwise d8
Survival d4

Code of Honor
Doubting Thomas

Command (+1 to his troops for Shaken rolls)
Common Bond (share bennies with other Wild Cards)
Fervor (+1 to melee damage for troops)
Hard to Kill (ignore Wound penalties when rolling on KO or Injury tables)
Hold the Line! (+1 Toughness for Troops)
Inspire (additional +1 for troops to become unShaken)
Majesty (Extras at Charisma x2 are at -1 to become unShaken)
Natural Leader (share bennies with troops)

Shortsword d6+d6, Plate (+3 Armor for 8 Toughness), Hirelings


DON'T HIT ME still has the Glass Ninja syndrome going on...but being Small, that Giant Killer really comes in handy.

HULK SMASH continues on the path of being an engine of destruction. He's finally beefed up Spirit, which gives him an extra boost (with Combat Reflexes) to become unShaken).

SNIPER is really changing, learning to handle himself in a straight up fight in addition to sniping. He's been building to Combat Archer and Woodsman, and now he's hit them. He's the tracker of the squad and a scary good shot.

MR. WIZARD has very little magic development, but we're doing "subtle magic" anyway...he is pretty big on the investigative front.

FEARLESS LEADER is becoming one heckuva charismatic presence. He now leaves Extras unnerved in his presence, and he's becoming an above average fighter, though he doesn't have many personal tricks up his sleeve. He does, however, know how to run a mass combat.

Up next: Legendary!

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