
Friday, December 31, 2010

Fairly Big Announcement

If you're into this sort of thing...

I intended to post a LOT more this last week or so, but holidays and a new PS3 have conspired against me.

However, tomorrow is the anniversary of the creation of my blog, and I have two big announcements:

1) Tomorrow, I am going to unveil Tommy's Top Six...these are the top six titles I reviewed on my blog this year, in my effort to ensure that certain games get very special mention. The criteria for selection was simple: 1) I had to have reviewed it on my blog this year...and 2) Only one title per company...(one tentative list had four books by two companies, and that's all I'll say). The companies have been notified of their selection, and that leads to part two...

2) To celebrate my blog's birthday, I will be running a giveaway over the next week. Official rules will be posted tomorrow, with full details, but I can tell you this: You will have the opportunity to win one of Tommy's Top Six in PDF format, as well as a few other goodies. Ten prizes will be awarded in all, with multiple copies of two games being available, as well as two prizes containing special extras...but every entry in Tommy's Top Six will be available to be awarded! What happens if I wind up with less than 10 entries? Thanks to the generosity of the publishers, the first anniversary of The Most Unread Blog on the Internet. Ever. is going to be much bigger than I ever dared please, come back tomorrow to see Tommy's Top Six and WHY I think you should buy these books, as well as your chance to win a copy of ten amazing prizes.

Thank you so much for reading the blog!

Hoping You All Had A Merry Christmas And Have A Safe And Happy New Year


  1. I look forward to your list. There are still you've written that I haven't had a chance to read properly.

  2. Hi!

    Right on. I'm really looking forward to this and have enjoyed following your "Savage Worlds Characters Are All the Same" (not) entries. Thanks.

    Congrats on year one!

  3. Thanks, guys!

    The blog came a long way in a year...=)
