I ran The One Ring for my group and quite enjoyed it (and reviewed it here), and used the Mythic GM Emulator Deck to try Adventures in Middle-Earth. I think both are great systems and I can't make a strong recommendation for one over the other, but Cubicle7 has offered both in charity bundles:
The One Ring collection is available in two Bundles of Holding: The One Ring and The One Ring Journeys.
Adventures in Middle-Earth is simultaneously available in a Humble Bundle.
Sophisticated Games has hinted on social media that the games are not necessarily dead, but either way, both lines of plenty of material to support your campaigns, and this is your best bet to get them cheap (AND support charity!).
I picked up "Adventures in Middle-Earth" from Humble Bundle even though I don't play 5e. Yet. It's the yet part that prompted me to do it.