
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion Entries!

Hey folks!

Just to let you all know, the four entries for the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion contest I ran recently are now available to download!

The winning entry features a corrupted fountain, but the document also includes a bad place to rest, a hellish combat set-up and a foul forest!

Again, I want to thank Michael Lively, Tim Kirk, Angry Ghost and Eric Nail for entering...the arrival of each entry put a literal smile on my face, and if I were in the position to do so, they'd all be walking away with something.

Some of these entries are more detailed than the others, but you only need the Explorer's Edition to make use of them.

The PDF is pretty barebones, because it's a small miracle that I know how to compile a PDF together...=)

Please, enjoy, and I hope to announce a new contest VERY SOON.

Edit: Added a Mediafire mirror download.


  1. Tommy -

    Having problems linking to the download site. Any way to upload the document directly to the site here?

  2. Hm...Blogger doesn't give me any file hosting that I'm aware of.

    I've had a few other people get it okay, though. Let me see if I can't come up with a mirror site.

  3. Mirrored it at Mediafire. Try this:

  4. Dammit.
    I've been out of the blogs and Savage forums loop for a couple of months now because of school and totally missed the contest.

    Great stuff, thanks for sharing.
