
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tommy's Take on: WWE NXT 3/9/10

Alright...watched me some it's time for WWE NXT!  Last week, we got to meet Skip Sheffield and Justin Gabriel at last, this week we have a main event featuring The Miz & Daniel Bryan vs R-Truth & David Otunga!  Interesting match-up as The Miz and R-Truth are slated to be on opposing sides of a tag title match at WrestleMania, plus each Rookie/Pro combo just does not get along.

On with the show!

- Standard WWE intro, now featuring The Ultimate Warrior.

- Recap from last week, with Carlio spitting in Heath Slater's face, Gabriel's 450, Wade Barrett beating an injured Daniel Bryan, CM Punk helping Darren Young beat Otunga and the Otunga/R-Truth brawl.

- "Wild & Young" intro.

- R-Truth and David Otunga are here!  Tag match already?

- Michael Cole and Josh Matthews.  Apparently Otunga is David "A-List" Otunga.  Indeed.

- Striker breaks down the "rules", with the pros voting on the rookies, without being able to vote on their own rookies.  Striker basically confirms that any number can move onto Raw and Smackdown...I would assume with a majority vote from the pros.

- R-Truth wants to know what's up.

- Miz and Daniel Bryan!


- There's a lot of people here that The Miz doesn't like.  We get a video recap of the mugging John Morrison and R-Truth handed out on The Miz and The Big Show.  Miz gets the mic for a "pep talk" for Bryan.  Miz digs in the 0-2 record of Bryan.  Miz says that if Bryan loses tonight, he will get him thrown off of NXT!  Bryan vs R-Truth to start.  Bryan offers a handshake, R-Truth dances instead.  Trading wristlocks.  Shoots R-Truth off, who hits a shoulder.  R-Truth blocks a hiptoss and clotheslines Bryan.  Double shoulderblock by Otunga and R-Truth.  More double teaming on Bryan.  Upppercuts by Bryan!  R-Truth powers back in and clotheslines Bryan out!  They send Miz on top of him!  Otunga whips R-Truth over the top rope onto them!  Commercials.

- Bryan has a surfboard variation locked in back from the break.  During the break, Miz and Bryan took over, though they didnt get along.  Bryan has a chinlock on, but Truth fights up.  Big knee by Bryan!  Tag to Miz.  Stomp to Truth.  Otunga's calling for a tag.  Sloppy throw off by Miz, but R-Truth with a sunset flip when Miz tries to overpower him!  Beatdown on Truth.  Miz botches a missed guillotine on the ropes.  Each pro going for their!  Miz grabs Truth!  Kicks off Miz!  Hot tag to Otunga!  He's on fire!  Otunga and Miz botch something, but Otunga covers it up.  Otunga with a huge powerslam off the ropes!  Bryan breaks up the pin!  Miz drops otunga on the ropes and Bryan with a blind tag!  Missile dropkick!  Huge kicks in the corner!  Bryan is all over Otunga, sliding down over a spinebuster and turning it into a heell hook!  Otunga is reaching for a tag...and Miz tags Bryan!  They're arguing!  Miz slaps Bryan!  Bryan shoves him!  They're going at it!  R-Truth nails Miz!  Iron Curtain by Otunga!

Winners: R-TRUTH & DAVID OTUNGA via pinfall on The Miz (IRON CURTAIN)

- Bryan is torn between looking ticked and pleased as he walks away.

- Decent match...a few botches from everyone involved.

- Miz and Bryan are arguing and Miz is threatening to run Bryan off!  Bryan rares back, but Miz flinches!

- Recap of Carlito spitting in Heath Slater's face.  Slater's talking about how Carlito took him by surprise.  He's coming across a little whiny in this video.  He says he's going to blow Carlito's mind.  Slater vs Carlito is NEXT.

- Striker is backstage with The Miz, Striker points out that The Miz was the one who lost, not Bryan.  Here comes Bryan!  Bryan says Miz has always been carried in his tag teams!  Bryan is standing up for himself!  Miz looks miffed.

- Video package on Justin Gabriel.  He's got some impressive flippy moves.

- Gabriel and Hardy are backstage.  Apparently Gabriel is in the main event tonight.  Apparently against Wade Barrett, who is here with Jericho!  Jericho's the shortest guy in the room.  Gabriel says he respects Jericho, but he doesn't fear Barrett.  Hardy felt...awkward...there.

HEATH SLATER (w/Christian) vs CARLITO (w/Michael Tarver)

- Uh oh...Carlito has the stick.  Carlito says Slater should beg to have an apple spit in his face tonight.  Carlito takes a bite...Slater ducks the spit!  Unloads!  Carlito with an elbow off the ropes!  Commercials.

- Carlito armbar on Slater.  Slater backs Carlito in the corner.  Carlito reversal and he goes to the face...pieface on Slater!  Carlito over the top and out of the ring!  Slater's so screwed.  He won't make it unless something huge happens between now and the end.  Cheapshot by Carlito and ram into the turnbuckles.  Slater ducks a charge and some right hands.  Kick to the face.  Boot by Carlito.  Tarver is gloating outside.  Slater kicks out of a pin attempt.  Chinlock applied.  Crowd trying to get into it...Christian's not nearly as good at this as R-Truth.  Carlito sends Slater out, but Slater with a sunset flip back!  Carlito holds onto the ropes and kicks Slater.  Surfboard.  Trading blows and back to the corner.  Carlito crotches himself on the second turnbuckle!  Clotheslines and flapjack!  Spinebuster by Carlito!  Carlito went for his apple, but Christian grabbed it!  He tosses it to Tarver, but Carlito is distracted.  He goes for the Backstabber, but Slater with an elbow and a roll up!  Kickout!  Carlito with a roll up, but Slater rolls through...he gets three!!  Carlito is pinned!


- If Slater had hung out in the ring like that with Sting, he would have beaten him to death with a baseball bat.

- Darren Young video package.

- The Straight Edge Society is backstage with Young, talking and ignoring him.  Young wants to know why he can't live his own life, his own way.  Punk is pushing Straight Edge on Young.

- Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett face off next!

- HBK-UT video package to "Ain't No Grave" by Johnny Cash.

- Batista-Cena Raw Rebound package.

WADE BARRETT (w/Chris Jericho) vs JUSTIN GABRIEL (w/Matt Hardy)

- The Highlight Reel returns this Friday, as Jericho interviews Edge.  I hope I got all of this match.  Barrett straight into it with a boot.  Hiptoss countered and Gabriel takes him down.  Barrett catches Gabriel and crushes him in the corner.  Hammering the back of Gabriel.  Jericho's bragging.  Barrett is locking Gabriel in the ropes.  Gabriel kicks out in one.  Sitting abdominal stretch.  Gabriel fights back with kicks to the head.  The crowd chants "USA", even though neither guy is from the US.  Big discus punch.  Matthews points out that neither man is from America.  Barrett with his finisher, but Gabriel with a sunset flip!  Barrett back in control with a slingshot backbreaker!  Bodyslam!  Again!  Again!  Sets Gabriel up top...superplex blocked...Barrett falls!  450!!  THATS IT!!

Winner: JUSTIN GABRIEL via pinfall (450 SPLASH)

- Jericho attacks Hardy and Gabriel!  CODEBREAKER on Gabriel!!  Whipping Gabriel with his jacket!  My recording ends there.  Dang it.

- I like this show.  Its the most entertaining wrestling show on TV right now...=P

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