
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Marvel Accelerated: Wolverine and The Hulk

All of this Marvel Accelerated stuff is clearly still a work in a progress...but my son is enthused at the idea of playing Spider-Man in Fate Accelerated, so work will continue on the Marvel adaptations, and stuff will likely change and be tweaked over time. I've got four more to add to the mix today: Wolverine and The Hulk, as well as their arch rivals Sabretooth and The Abomination!

Name: Wolverine (Logan)
High Concept: Feral Mutant Loner
Trouble: Am I A Man, Or An Animal?
Aspects: What I Do Isn’t Very Nice, I Go Where I Wanna Go, I’ve Lived Longer Than I Can Remember

Careful: +0
Clever: +3
Flashy: +1
Forceful: +2
Quick: +1
Sneaky: +2

Because I have a Mutant Healing Factor, I can downgrade a Consequence by spending a Fate Point.

Because I am The Best There Is At What I Do, I don’t have to reduce damage to gain a Boost when I succeed with style.

Because I am Older Than I Look, once per game session I can reveal that I already know a character introduced in the session, and discover one of their Aspects.

Because I have Adamantium Claws, I can claw through any surface or material, given enough time.

Stress 3


Refresh 2

Notes: I did read another conversion of Wolverine someone did, and I like the idea that he starts with fewer Fate Points, so he has to accept bad stuff happening in order to get the points to kick butt. I went with the "What I Do Isn't Very Nice" as an Aspect because it's a lot easier to use it for good or ill.

Name: The Hulk/Bruce Banner
High Concept: Gamma Powered Goliath
Trouble: Hulk Just Wants To Be Left Alone!
Aspects: Strongest One There Is!, You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Angry, Mild Mannered Bruce Banner

Careful: +0/+2
Clever: +1/+3
Flashy: +2/+1
Forceful: +3/+0
Quick: +2/+1
Sneaky: +1/+2

Because Hulk is Strongest One There Is, Hulk can spend a Fate Point to eliminate an opponent’s Forceful Approach modifier in a Physical Conflict.

Because the Madder Hulk Gets, The Stronger Hulk Gets, the Hulk can spend a Fate Point to add the Stress he’s accumulated when attempting to Forcefully Create an Advantage or Overcome an obstacle.

Because the Hulk is really Mild-Mannered Bruce Banner, once per session Hulk can shift back to Banner, gaining the second set of Approaches instead. Alternately, he can start the session as Banner and shift into Hulk once per session, gaining the first set of Approaches.

Because Hulk Just Wants To Be Left Alone, Hulk can leap from zone to zone at all, or exit a scene entirely by spending a Fate point.

Because Hulk Will Smash!, Hulk gains +2 when Forcefully Attacking in a Physical Conflict.

Stress 3


Refresh 1

Notes: I almost left off the Hulk Smash stunt, but in the end, it felt wrong not having it there...and Hulk is an INCREDIBLY (no pun intended) effective brute. This is the most complicated FAE write-up I've done thus far, attempting to meld Hulk and Banner into one write-up, with Banner essentially serving as a very detailed Aspect of Hulk. Like Wolverine, Hulk will have to take some punishment (accepting Compels) before he can REALLY get rolling, but life tends to suck for The Hulk anyway.

Name: Sabretooth (Victor Creed)
High Concept: Sadistic, Unrepentant, Bestial Mass Murderer
Trouble: Can’t Let The Runt Be Happy
Aspects: Law of the Jungle, Weapon X Training, Psycho For Hire

Careful: +0
Clever: +2
Flashy: +1
Forceful: +1
Quick: +2
Sneaky: +3

Because I Heal Real Fast, I can spend a Fate Point to downgrade a Consequence.

Because I WILL Find You, I gain a +2 when trying to Cleverly Create an Advantage or Overcome an Obstacle while stalking my prey.

Because I Live Inside Wolverine's Head, once per session I can Create an Advantage against him automatically.

Stress 3


Refresh 3

Notes: I stole his High Concept directly from TVTropes.Org. While Sabretooth is probably as strong as Wolverine, that's not what makes him scary in his best appearances. Sabretooth is sneaky, cunning and relentless. That last just came to me as I was posting it...the fact is, Sabretooth does revolve HEAVILY around Wolverine.

Name: The Abomination (Emil Blonsky)
High Concept: Gamma Powered Ex-Spy
Trouble: Banner Did This To Me!
Aspects: Nowhere to Call Home, Monster With A Brain,

Careful: +2
Clever: +2
Flashy: +0
Forceful: +3
Quick: +1
Sneaky: +1

Because I’m Smarter Than I Look, I gain a +2 when attempting to Cleverly Create an Advantage against an opponent.

Stress 3


Refresh 3

Notes: This one was a little harder for me, but this is one of those cases where the villain probably isn't going to be as developed as the hero, in part because the "camera" doesn't focus as much on them. If there's any big time Abomination fans out there, I encourage you to offer suggestions, either for Aspects or Stunts.

Thoughts? Comments?

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