
Sunday, February 12, 2012

More Shameless Self Promotion

By the nature of the site, I do a lot of pimping for other people's, I need to do a little pimping for my products again.

Hellrazer: The Chronicles of Rachel Strand was selected by as their feature this past Thursday, drawing extra attention to mine and Johnnie Johnson's hard work. That was a great moment for me this week. Every little bit of recognition helps, you know? Facebook users can also follow us on the Hellrazer Facebook page.

We also had a comic book signing last night for Equinox #2, which continues the Genesis story from Equinox #1 and includes a back-up story introducing The Curse, a story I previewed on here a few months ago. The Curse will be appearing in Hellrazer later this year, and you can order copies of either issue of Equinox at

Finally, preorders are open for War of the Dead Chapter 4, written by Lee Szczepanik Jr., edited by me and published by Daring Entertainment. This is the grand finale of the War of the Dead saga, taking your zombie apocalypse survivors into Legendary and setting up the World of the Dead Savage Setting. You can still order Chapter One (print or PDF), Chapter Two (print or PDF) and Chapter Three (print or PDF) at RPGNow.

More great stuff to come on the blog! Two more Wild World Wrestling stars, more Comics You Should Read, an advance review of the Rogue Mage RPG, the Mistborn Adventure Game and more SAGA of Spider-Man with my son!


  1. Congratulations on your success and recognition.

  2.'s all baby steps...but it's been a good week...=)

  3. Congrats on the well deserved recognition!

  4. Congratulations on the comics. It's a really tough industry to make any headway in.

  5. Thanks, Sean!

    Yeah, I know it's a very big, uphill climb...gonna see how far I can go with it, anyway.
