
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Savage Worlds Characters Are All The Same: Seasoned

Last week, we took the initial starting characters and advanced them up to the cusp of Seasoned.

We did see some of the initial gaps begin to close, and HULK SMASH kinda stumbled as I leveled him up, with there just not being a lot of support for that build at the Novice Rank. We also discovered that Tommy should have planned his builds ahead a bit better. Blah.

Seasoned opens up new options, including allowing everyone an additional Attribute Advance, as well as allowing MR. WIZARD the opportunity to get more Power Points.


1st: Block. This one seems kind of obvious. His effective Parry is now a 10.
2nd: Level Headed. Yeah, he's faster, he gets a free shot when you move in, and now he gets the better of two cards to act on.
3rd: Dodge. His biggest vulnerability right now is being shot. This, at least, bumps up that target number.
4th: Vigor d6. No sense in remaining completely fragile. He's gotta toughen up at some point.


Agility d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Fighting d8
Guts d6
Intimidation d6
Investigation d6
Notice d6
Taunt d6
Throwing d6

Charisma: 0
Pace: 6"
Parry: 6
Toughness: 4

Small (-1 Toughness)
Bad Luck (1 less bennie per session)

Acrobat (+2 to nimbleness based Agility rolls, +1 to Parry)
Block (+1 to Parry)
Danger Sense (Free Notice roll at -2 to avoid attack)
Dodge (-1 to avoid being hit with ranged attacks)
First Strike (free attack when opponent gets into range)
Level Headed (Acts on the better of two cards)
Quick (redraw an initiatve card less than 5)
Strong Willed (+2 to Taunt/Intimidate)

Rapier (+1 Parry, for a 9), Damage d6+d4, Buckler Shield (+1 Parry, for a 10), Throwing Knife Damage d6+d4


1st: Sweep. For when you have to wipe out everything around you.
2nd: Combat Reflexes. His low Spirit makes him vulnerable when Shaken. This gives him a +2 to become unShaken.
3rd: Adaptable (Barbaric Blood). HULK SMASH can now spend a benny to trigger Berserk, meaning he doesn't NEED to take a hit first. From the Fantasy Companion.
4th: Strength d12.

Agility d6
Smarts d4
Spirit d4
Strength d12
Vigor d10

Climbing d4
Fighting d6
Guts d8
Intimidate d8
Survival d4
Tracking d4

Charisma: -4
Pace: 8"
Parry: 6
Toughness: 8


Adaptable: Barbaric Blood (spend a benny to trigger Berserk)
Berserk (Smarts roll upon being wounded, or go Berkserk, +2 Fighting/Strength rolls, -2 Parry, +2 Toughness, rolls of 1 hit random adjacent target)
Brawny (+1 Toughness)
Combat Reflexes (+2 to become unShaken)
Fleet-Footed (Pace +2, d10 Running die)
Sweep (attack all adjacent foes at -2)

Great Axe (Armor Piercing 1, Parry -1 for 4), Damage d12+d10, Chain Hauberk (Armor +2, for Toughness 9)


1st: Survival d4. Note: It is MUCH better to buy multiple skills at d4 early on and rely on your Wild Die than to buy new skills later on. Ugh.
2nd: Marksman. Free Aim action as long as he doesn't move? Yes, please.
3rd: Deadly Shot. Double damage on Jokers indeed.
4th: Smarts d8. His brains are becoming as important to him as his reflexes.

Agility d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Climbing d4
Fighting d4
Notice d6
Riding d4
Shooting d10
Stealth d8
Survival d4
Throwing d6
Tracking d8

Charisma: 0
Pace: 6
Parry: 4
Toughness: 5


Dark Fighting (Halves penalties for Shooting in the dark)
Deadly Shot (Double damage on ranged attacks when a Joker is drawn)
Marksman (Free Aim action as long as he doesn't move)
Steady Hands (removes unstable platform penalties)
Trademark Weapon (longbow, +1 to Shooting rolls)

Longbow 2d6 damage, Leather armor (+1 for Toughness 6)


1st: Spellcasting d8 and Lockpicking d6.
2nd: Spirit d8.
3rd: Investigation d4.
4th: Power Points. Though he's still using subtle tricks, there's no reason not to shore up the points.

Agility d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d8
Strength d4
Vigor d6

Charisma: +2
Pace: 4
Parry: 4
Toughness: 5
Power Points: 20

Gambling d6
Guts d6
Investigation d4
Knowledge (Arcana) d8
Lockpicking d6
Notice d4
Persuasion d6
Shooting: d4
Spellcasting d8
Streetwise d4

Bad Eyes

Arcane Background: (Magic)
Power Points (+5 Power Points)
Wizard (use 1 less Power Point per raise on Spellcasting roll)

Boost/Lower Trait
Detect/Conceal Arcana

Crossbow, nice clothes (fraying around the edges), cane


1st: Agility d6. No sense in keeping that weak point around.
2nd: Hold the Line! This gives his troops +1 Toughness.
3rd: Natural Leader. FEARLESS LEADER now gives bennies to his troops!
4th: Inspire. This boosts the rolls to become unShaken by an additional +1.

Agility d6
Smarts d8
Spirit d8
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Charisma: +4
Pace: 6
Parry: 4
Toughness: 5

Fighting d4
Guts d8
Intimidation d8
Knowledge (Battle) d6
Persuasion d8
Streetwise d8
Survival d4

Code of Honor
Doubting Thomas

Command (+1 to his troops for Shaken rolls)
Common Bond (share bennies with other Wild Cards)
Hold the Line! (+1 Toughness for Troops)
Inspire (additional +1 for troops to become unShaken)
Natural Leader (share bennies with troops)

Shortsword d6+d6, Plate (+3 Armor for 8 Toughness), Hirelings


Though some of the "gaps" have closed, these guys are absolutely not going to interact with combat the same way. At some point, they're going to cross the same ground with Edges as well, of course. With HULK SMASH, I found too many options this time, rather than too few. MR. WIZARD's advances were very "not sexy"...and I nearly bypassed an Attribute Advancement on SNIPER, because his build honestly doesn't require huge Attributes...

Everyone is on the verge of that's up next!


  1. Really digging this series, Tommy. I never even noticed the skills issue like you had with the Sniper until you mentioned it. I've always wondered if a lot of skills at d4 was a viable "Jack of All Trades" kind of solution.

    I've seen my players do it a lot their first time, and feeling like they stretched too thin with their skills. But on the same note, I've seen someone out perform a tracking roll with a d4+Wild Die than another player with a d8+Wild Die.

  2. Thanks, Rev.!

    The key, I think, is to figure out what your character needs RIGHT NOW and buy those up...and anything that could be useful for the character, go for the d4.

    I didn't intentionally handicap any of the builds...I'm just not great at min/maxing...luckily for me, that's not the point of the's just to show that Savage Worlds characters don't start off the same, or end the same, unless people intentionally make them that way...=)

  3. Interesting. I wish I could get to play SW to see how it plays for me, since my attempts at running it were only test runs.

  4. Seems a bit pointless for DON'T HIT ME to take Block when his fighting skill is less than d12, since putting fighting up by a die type costs the same as an edge and gives +1 to parry anyway.

  5. See, I tend to hate raising just one skill at a time if I can avoid it. Which is why I held off on bumping up Fighting until I had bumped up Agility, so I could raise two skills at once.
