
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tommy's Take on: WWE NXT 3/23/10

NXT SHOULD be a pretty wrestling heavy show tonight, as all 8 rookies are in action in two tag matches.  Long matches?  Lots of Wrestlemania hype?  Lots of video packages?

- Will "Anonymous" flame me again for not caring about Jennifer Hudson?

- Let's see!

- Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel are taking on Wade Barrett and Skip Sheffield while Michael Tarver and Daniel Bryan meet David Otunga and Darren Young.

- Shouldn't Slater and Tarver be wrestling, since Tarver did beat him down last week?  Just asking.

- WWE intro package.

- "Wild & Young" opening video.  Easily my favorite WWE opening song.

- Check out my first published comic work at and my Small Press Idol entry at!

- Matt Striker says that, next week, The wWE Pros will be voting on who to keep and who to cut.


- Regal us the only pro present.  Slater's team came out to Christian's music, Sheffield's to Regal's.  Skip and Slater start, with Slater OUCH...he bounced off of Sheffield.  Christian walks out and gets the biggest pop of the night so far...but he looks odd.  Barrett and Gabriel in.  Big knee by Barrett.  Gabriel unloads with kicks but gets tossed up and dropped!  Apparently the rookies will be ranked on Win-Loss Record, Strength of Schedule, Work Ethic and "It" Factor.  Interesting.  They do know that wins and losses and strength of schedule is ALL booking, right?  Barrett with shoulders in the corner on Gabriel.  Wade is dominating.  School boy with a kickout.  "Regal sucks" chant.  Modified stretch by Barrett.  Slater is trying to get the crowd worked's not really working.  Gabriel fights up, but gets knocked down.  Gabriel is here to sell, nothing more.  Gutbuster gets two.  Skip tags in and clubs Gabriel.  Elevated suplex.  Ow!  Dropped him on his face!  Slam bbu Skip and huge splash.  He left the strut out.  Barrett tags himself in and beats on Gabriel.  Nice subtlety by Barrett and Sheffield.  Tag to Sheffield, who clobbers Gabriel.  Gabriel dodges a charge and hits the perfect hot tag!  Slater is in on fire, but no one cares.  Nice pop for a neckbreaker!  Charge in the corner bu Slater, and he boots Skip!  Skip goes for a slam, but Slater slips down!  Barrett accidentally nails Sheffield and Gabriel wallops Barrett!  Slater gets the pin!

Winners: SLATER & GABRIEL via pinfall on Sheffield (accidental boot by Barrett)

- Decent match, but Gabriel got killed, while Slater got to look good.  Slater is NOT the star out of these four.

- Bryan/Tarver vs Otunga/Young tonight.

- The Bryan video package is being re-aired, with NXT footage spliced in.

- Wrestlemania ad.

- HBK-UT video.

- Money in the Bank cluster for Smackdown, as well as Beth Phoenix vs Vickie Guerrero.

- Hall of Fame ad.

- Bret Hart-Vince McMahon package.

- Darren Young video package we've seen before, with NXT footage added.

- WrestleMania recall for WM 21, which is the night that Money in the Bank debuted, as well as Cena and Batista winning the WWE and World titles.

- Batista-Cena video package.

DARREN YOUNG & DAVID OTUNGA (w/CM Punk, Serena & Luke Gallows) vs MICHAEL TARVER & DANIEL BRYAN (w/Carlito)

- Camera missed Otunga's opening routine.  How TNA.  Young is yelling at Punk, it looks like.  As far as Strength of Opponents goes, Bryan is the only one who has faced two World Champions.  Bryan and Otunga lock up.  Headlock by Otunga and a shoulder drops him.  Bryan armdrags out of a top wrist lock and Otunga to a headscissors, but Bryan slips out into a leglock.  Matthews calls BS on Cole for ignoring a Bryan escape.  Bryan takes over and tags Carver.  More chain wrestling, but Otunga fights out and tags Young.  Armbar.  Young goes up and over on Otunga and hits a schoolboy, but fails.  Serena causes a distraction and Gallows tries to trip Tarver.  Tarver is arguing with Gallows and Carlito comes over as well.  Young slides to the floor, but Tarver nails him!  Commercials.

- Bryan is outwrestling Young on the mat.  Hammerlock on Young.  Huge dropkick!  Tag to Tarver, who takes Young down.  Wristlock on Young.  Young with a knee and irish whip into the cover, but eats an elbow.  Tarver with a boot, but Young whips him around and nails him in the back!  Punk and the SES aren't paying attention.  Otunga is in, overpowering Tarver.  Crowd is booing...someone.  Otunga clubs Tarver.  Tarver fights back and tags Bryan!  Big uppercuts!  Snap mare and kicks to the back!  Otunga powers Bryan to his corner and tags Young!  Bryan out of nowhere with a guillotine choke, and he takes Young down into a Crossface like maneuver!  Young gets the ropes, and Bryan hits a cross body for two!  Tarver is arguing with Gallows on the floor.  Bryan needs a tag, but Tarver's not there!  Young tags Otunga, who charges Bryan...who sends him into Tarver and goes up top!  That looked like Young should have done SOMETHING to keep Bryan away from the maybe Tarver came back up too soon or something.  Bryan misses a dropkick!  Rob Terry Spinebuster!

Winners: DAVID OTUNGA & DARREN YOUNG via pinfall on Bryan (Otunga Rob Terry Spinebuster)

- Catch Jennifer Hudson as "Willy" in FREE WILLY...Coming soon!

- Pro's week!

- More WrestleMania hype.

- See ya next week!

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