Disclaimer: I'm not telling you to pledge. I just didn't have a cover image for this article. |
Friday, April 24, 2020
A Look Inside the New Deadlands Kickstarter
This isn't a normal "Tommy's Take", because I don't have a full book in front of me, but a review copy of the new Deadlands book on Kickstarter right now. It's still incomplete - it was noted to me that it's missing a bestiary still - so rather than do a full review of the book, I'm putting it side by side with the Player's Guide and Marshal's Handbook to get an idea of just what has changed and what's staying the same in this new edition.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Tommy's Take on 50 Fathoms: Fire & Earth
Last week, in my 50 Fathoms review, I mentioned that there was a new release: 50 Fathoms: Fire & Earth. So this is my review of that adventure.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Tommy's Take on 50 Fathoms Explorer's Edition
This seems like odd timing, but there's a reason for that. I've owned the original 50 Fathoms for years, and but never ran it. However, I was approached by Pinnacle last week about reviewing their new 50 Fathoms book, Fire & Earth, and thought that before I did so, I would tackle the original (or at least the version that was revised for Deluxe Edition) for posterity, and also to refresh my memory about 50 Fathoms.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Tommy's Take on The Ninja Crusade 2nd Edition
Longtime readers of the blog know I've been a pretty big fan of Third Eye Games' Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade. A while back, they released a second edition - now just called The Ninja Crusade - and I thought I'd take a peek inside.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Tommy's Take on The Covey (D&D 5e)
Over at The RPG Pub (my preferred home for RPG discussion on the internet), I was asked by one of our regulars to review something from their catalog. And so I am.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Tommy's Take on Improbable Tales: Helicarrier Heist (Savage Worlds)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Tommy's Take on Thanos Rising
I know board game reviews aren't what tends to draw folks to this blog (and based on my blog views since Google+ died, I'm not sure anything really draw people here), but my son(s, actually) and I have been playing Thanos Rising by USAOpoloy, and I thought I'd post some thoughts.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Tommy's Take on Sentinel Comics The Roleplaying Game Starter Kit
Last year, we started playing the Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Starter Kit, and got through all but one of the adventures, before real life derailed things pretty significantly.
So this is one part review, one part post-mortem from the two previous articles: First Impressions. Second Impressions.
So this is one part review, one part post-mortem from the two previous articles: First Impressions. Second Impressions.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Tommy's Take on Zombie World
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Middle-Earth RPGs are heading into the West...(for now?)
I ran The One Ring for my group and quite enjoyed it (and reviewed it here), and used the Mythic GM Emulator Deck to try Adventures in Middle-Earth. I think both are great systems and I can't make a strong recommendation for one over the other, but Cubicle7 has offered both in charity bundles:
The One Ring collection is available in two Bundles of Holding: The One Ring and The One Ring Journeys.
Adventures in Middle-Earth is simultaneously available in a Humble Bundle.
Sophisticated Games has hinted on social media that the games are not necessarily dead, but either way, both lines of plenty of material to support your campaigns, and this is your best bet to get them cheap (AND support charity!).
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
On Comments, Spam and Moderation
So after G+ died and I had to transfer everything back to Blogger comments, I apparently missed the part about specifying where comment moderation requests needed to be emailed to, so I had comments sitting since February that weren't posting on the blog (a LOT of which were spam, justifying the moderation).
That has since been amended.
My apologies, I wasn't ignoring anyone. I just genuinely assumed no one was really paying attention to the few things I had posted.
Very sorry about that.
Don't forget to check out my review of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition below!
That has since been amended.
My apologies, I wasn't ignoring anyone. I just genuinely assumed no one was really paying attention to the few things I had posted.
Very sorry about that.
Don't forget to check out my review of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition below!
Tommy's Take on Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
So a new version of Savage Worlds came out.
I took a look at the Essentials Boxed Set a while back, but I thought I'd take a look at the book now, if it's all the same to you.
I took a look at the Essentials Boxed Set a while back, but I thought I'd take a look at the book now, if it's all the same to you.